CFA Supports MyVillage Project with $1 Million NSF ExLENT Win

MyVillage Project, a Jacksonville, Florida-based collective of Black-led grassroots organizations, was awarded nearly $1 million this month from the National Science Foundation’s Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) program. Community Funding Accelerator provided grant writing support for MyVillage Project, which successfully navigated the federal grant process on its very first application! Read the full press release here

Learn more about CFA’s partnership with MyVillage Project:

CFA Supports $20 Million EDA Grant Win in Birmingham

The City of Birmingham, Alabama and a group of community partners are receiving $20 million in federal grant funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Distressed Area Recompete Pilot Program, the most competitive grant programs in the agency’s history. Community Funding Accelerator established K-12 education as the foundation for the workforce readiness strategy in addition to providing application and site visit support. Read the full press release here.  

In Interview, CFA Team Highlights Heartland Bioworks Tech Hubs Win

CFA’s Amy Zhou was recently interviewed along with the Applied Research Institute’s Bioworks Executive Vice President Andrew Kossack and U.S. Sen. Todd Young about Heartland Bioworks’ Tech Hubs win.

“There’s a workforce shortage and at least 2,200 bio manufacturing workers per year in Indiana, and this funding will help young people enter these careers and fill that gap,” said Zhou for the Indianapolis TV story.

Watch the interview here