Affordable Workforce Training Gets Big Win
Press Release

Affordable Workforce Training Gets Big Win

Central Virginia Community College (CVCC), with support from the Community Funding Accelerator (CFA), is among 18 recipients of funding through the U.S. Department of Labor’s fifth round of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants. This $1.5 million grant will enable CVCC to scale high-quality workforce training programs, in fields including Mechatronics and Nuclear Technology, tailored to meet industry needs around Lynchburg, Virginia, and beyond.

The grant will support CVCC’s Accelerate Advanced Manufacturing Pathways and Learning program. With this funding, the program will directly impact nearly 2,000 high school and post-secondary students by expanding dual-enrollment opportunities and offering career-aligned pathways in mechatronics and nuclear technology. Through partnerships with regional employers (e.g., Delta Star, Framatome, BWXT), students will gain access to internships, apprenticeships, and job placement services, ensuring workforce readiness and long-term career success in high-quality jobs. Read the full press release here

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